
>> Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The biggest fear in life is that we are going to die one day!! Does this mean we stop living? We know our life decreases with every breath, but that doesn't stop us from living, doing good things, knowing each other, playing around, doing our part in this world. But then why does a smaller fear, which is nothing compared to leaving this lovely world, make us feel sick? Why does a fear of losing make us feel hurt? Why does a fear of failing make us feel disheartened? Instead we should move ahead to not be touched by these fears, which are hindrances to our development. Since we never stop living, because of fear of death, then no other thing is as big as this fear!! So let's resolve today, we are going to live without any fear for our and other's happiness........


Anonymous,  August 27, 2009 at 1:19 PM  

i really feel this one

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